Sunday, April 7, 2013

Who Wants to be a Millionaire?  

If you read my last post and thought to yourself, "I will never sell my lesson plans", you may be about to change your mind...

Kindergarden teacher, Deanna Jump, earned a whopping $1 million in 2012 from selling her lesson plans on  When one views her profile page they will find a vast collection of her products with a wide price range. 
Check out the article that describes Jump's successes.


  1. I enjoyed following your posts. Your format is easy to read and the content compelling for today's teachers who face increasing demands for lesson planning. And I think it is impressive that you want to become a rock star in the classroom! I think you are on the way! Good use of blogger gadgets, graphics, and links.

  2. This is amazing!! I'm going to start thinking about selling some of my stuff! Altought it's not nearly as good as this woman's, but 1 million dollars!! We're doing something wrong!
