Tuesday, April 2, 2013

To Share...

If you fall into the category of teachers who frequently search for lessons online, check out the following reviews for a few of my favorite sites.

  • Smart Board User?  Check out SMART Exchange where there thousands of pre-made presentations are available.  Want to play review Jeopardy with your students?  You can find a template here.  Teaching geometry?  Find pre-created problems and proofs that are ready to use.  
    • Pros: You can preview an entire SMART presentation before downloading.
    • Cons:  You don't know who posted these plans.  Check for validity before using!

  • Voki is a database of full lesson plans.  
    • Pros: You can easily search for a lesson by subject and grade level.  
    • Cons: Voki only has a limited amount of lesson plans available.

  • TEACHERSpayTEACHERS is great if you are searching for activities such as games and worksheets, not full lesson plans
    • Pros: The site is very easy to use.  You can even categorize your search findings by their ratings from other users.
    • Cons: A lot of these involve your wallet.  Don't get your hopes up when you find an activity unless you are willing to spend.  
These are just a few of the many sites that share lesson plans and classroom materials online.  Please comment and tell everyone which sites you use (if any) and what their pros and cons are.  

1 comment:

  1. The only site I have used frequently is edhelper.com and you need to pay for a premium membership that allows you much greater access. The pro is the a large variety of worksheets and activities for most topics, books and issues, however, a con is the questions are not responsive to the needs of the class. For example, there is no personalization so the students might not see themselves in the work. My suggestion: use the worksheets and personalize parts - example: use their multiple choice questions and create your own essays.
